What You Need To Know About Sergers
A serger, also known as an overlock machine is a complex machine that you can use in a variety of your sewing projects. You can use it to edge fabric, hem a clothing material and also finish a seam. Difference between serger and sewing machine Most people don’t know the differences between sergers and sewing machines but the two are very different. In addition to the overlock machine sewing the fabric quicker than a sewing machine, it also cuts the fabric as it stitches.
Custom Framing Projects for KidsParents with young children soon find their walls and refrigerators covered in artwork. Consider these custom framing ideas for your next weekend project.
Making a Natural Edge Bowl, Article 2Article 1 talked about how to prep and attach a face plate to the turning block. Article 2 we will discuss how to safely attach the wood turning block and turn the outside of the bowl. Starting with and a rough unbalanced block will turn the side of the bowl and smooth the wood.
Craft Marketing Tip: Different Means BetterCrafting is an area where standing out and being different is a good thing. Here are ways to make your crafts stand out and why you should think beyond the current crafting fads. Now is the time to start your own trends and let others follow you.
How To Decorate Cloths Using Different Resist TechniquesThere are different ways of decorating clothes. In the field of textiles, clothes can be enhanced mainly through printing, dyeing, and batiking. The resist methods of fabric decoration include Wax resist/Batik, Starch/Clay, Konkonte (Cooked cassava dough), Stitching or Tritiking, Wood and nail method, Knotting, Bunching, Binding, chemical resist and many others. However, the Wax resist, starch resist, and tie-dyeing are discussed.